He’s been working with the web and SEO for 24 years.
And his experience with WordPress pre-dates it even being called WordPress!
Over the years peter has maintained consistently that the #1 best way to attract and retain clients to your business is through SEO (search engine optimisation).
With his wealth of experience he can approach it just as it should be done; in line with industry best practice, using Google’s latest guidance and recommendations, and most of all strategic.
Why is SEO the best digital marketing you can do?
Unlike PPC (Adwords), where you pay by click, SEO done well builds on its success each month. The 15% extra clicks you got last month will compound with this month's success. And the way we work is a simple fixed price. So when you're pulling in 10,000 visits a month you'll pay the same you did at 500.
What is the best approach to SEO?
Our WordPress SEO approach is entirely in line with Google and Bing's guidelines - we very much believe the best approach is to give them what they want by fulfilling their guidelines and recommendations.
What is a Google friendly approach to SEO?
The best SEO you can have is aligned to Google's ethos, their future direction and their guidelines and recommendations. When you adopt that strategy, changes to their algorithm (which usually send website owners into a tailspin) actually benefit you!
We offer two main SEO services, a one-off complete SEO overhaul for WordPress, and also ongoing SEO WordPress campaigns.
We also have packages for WordPress support, hosting, backups and more. SEO is included in some of them – these packages are the most cost-effective way to get the most of our expertise and our expert help for your business.
Grow your business with us.
Peter Mahoney
WordPress SEO Expert